Tessa Spanton SWA Artist, tutor, writer


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Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Lavender Paintings for Leisure Painter Magazine

Yesterday I received a big envelope through the post, it contained the long awaited Leisure Painter magazine for August. I was excited to open it as many months ago I wrote an article with a step by step demonstration about painting lavender fields and now was the first chance to see it in print! Articles have to be ready at least 4 months ahead of publication and it's great to see how they have presented the article from the documents I produced. They like to have some 'tips' each one highlighted in a little box.

Back copies are available to buy here

My painting above was featured in the article.
'Pick Your Own Lavender' watercolour 11x14in 28z35.5cm
This was at the annual open days at Carshalton Lavender The next ones are on 24-25th July I will have a stand there selling paintings cards etc. I will blog about this soon so watch this space.
Carol posed for me and both her and her grandaughter Lauren borrowed the lavender hats that myself and the friend helping on the stand were wearing We had trouble getting them back off them because on that day the BBC were filming there for Gardeners World and Lauren was chosen for filming!

The painting below is of Mayfield Lavender, another local lavender field, this is the painting that I used for the step by step demonstration .

below 'Lauren Picking Lavender' I didn't include this one in the article.

Both the original paintings of the lavender fields have sold. Prints and cards of them are available to buy as well as the original of Lauren.
There is another painting shown below of the open days available as cards or a print in my etsy shop.


gr8jewellery said...

Congrats on the feature! Absolutely beautiful paintings!!!

Ceci said...

A big congrats to you. The paintings are beautiful

Judi B said...

Congratulations -- they are absolutely lovely! I hope this brings you tons of new business.

kraplap said...

Congratulations !!! It looks awesome !

Erika Price said...

Wow, many congratulations! And what lovely paintings - well done!

StaroftheEast said...

Super news, congrats :)!

On a Whimsey said...

Congrats Tessa, lovely work!

Bigbluebed said...

Well done! Your paintings are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Tessa, this is amazing! I always adore your works, and big congrats to you!

Unknown said...

Tessa! This is wonderful. Congratulations on the feature in the magazine! Such great watercolourings!
A joy for the eye!

RitaJC said...

Love your paintings!

Jill said...

Congratulations!!! Your paintings are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Tessa ! Congrats.

Naomi said...

This is so great Tessa, your paintings are just wonderful, very well deserved!

Judy Nolan said...

Beautiful paintings! Congrats on your sales and on getting an article published about your work.

Rose said...

Wow, featured and then sales on top of that! Good for you! I love lavender and have some growing in my yard. We have lavender fields on the island of Maui and I hope to get there some day to photo them. Your work is beautiful!

Colours and Textures said...

Thanks for all your lovely comments!